Family Resource Page
Who do I contact for help?
Mrs. Kim Hurst, Principal
- Major concerns unresolved after talking to student's teacher
- General school concerns
(614) 417-5301
Mr. Justin Whitlach, Assistant Principal
- Questions regarding school discipline and attendance
- General school concerns
(614) 417-5303
Ms. Kristen Pridemore, Student Intervention Coordinator
- Major academic concerns remain after talking to student's teacher
- 3rd grade reading guarantee
- Concerns for learning disabilities
- 504 plans
(614) 417-5305
Ms. Rita Valenzuela, School Social Worker
- Concerns for student's social emotional well-being, mental health or behavior
- Referrals for counseling
- Community resources
- Homeless assistance
(614) 417-5308
Ms. Kayla Brown, School Psychologist
- Questions regarding school discipline and attendance
- General school concerns
(614) 417-5108
Mrs. Debbie Lee, Building Secretary
- General school questions
- Student records
(614) 417-5300
Ms. Allison Goodyear, Office Educational Aide
- Attendance
- General school questions
(614) 417-5311
Mrs. Nancy Medors, School Nurse
- Student Health Concerns
- Student medication
(614) 417-5302
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Mental Health Resources
Find support for mental health concerns that affect your child.